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NFS v3 vs v4.2 - Nothing to write home about

Published: at 09:54 PM

Nothing to write home about



OS = Ubuntu 18.04.4
Kernel = 4.15.0-1065-aws
NFS-Kernel-Server = 1:1.3.4-2.1ubuntu5.2
AWS Instance Type = c5.xlarge
Disk = ext4 / GP2 - 335 GB / 1005 IOPS / 250 MBs/sec Throughput
MTU = 9001


OS = Ubuntu 18.04.4
Kernel = 4.15.0-1065-aws
NFS-Kernel-Server = 1:1.3.4-2.1ubuntu5.2
AWS Instance Type = c5.xlarge
MTU = 9001



Options: rw,async,all_squash,no_subtree_check,anonuid=33,anongid=33


v3: rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=14,retrans=3,sec=sys,mountvers=3,mountport=36327,mountproto=udp,local_lock=none
v3_perf: rw,noatime,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen=255,hard,nolock,noacl,proto=tcp,timeo=14,retrans=3,sec=sys,mountvers=3,mountport=57309,mountproto=udp,local_lock=all
v4.2: rw,relatime,vers=4.2,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=14,retrans=3,sec=sys,local_lock=none
v4.2_perf: rw,noatime,vers=4.2,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=14,retrans=3,sec=sys,local_lock=none



Before starting to throw numbers in your face, lemme start by saying that there are a lot of NFS benchmarking tools, but there isn’t a “go-to” tool far as I’ve seen.



iozone -l 2 -u 2 -r 64k -s 8G -F /path/file1 /path/file2
Record Size 64 kB
File size set to 8388608 kB
Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
File stride size set to 17 * record size.
Min process = 2
Max process = 2
Throughput test with 2 processes
Each process writes a 8388608 kByte file in 64 kByte records

Results IOZone (kBytes/sec):

|                | NFS_v3    | NFS_v3_perf | NFS_v4.2  | NFS_v4.2_perf |
| Initial write  | 278122.41 |   276829.28 | 277119.72 |     276224.92 |
| Rewrite        |  273184.5 |   273765.23 |  273887.2 |     273208.94 |
| Read           | 255104.07 |   252774.13 | 254674.86 |     254843.91 |
| Re-read        |    260368 |   259820.66 | 260383.47 |     260377.79 |
| Reverse Read   | 183664.37 |   150949.12 | 188689.35 |     156792.35 |
| Stride read    | 157970.11 |   153495.46 |  156372.3 |     151984.55 |
| Random read    | 150265.03 |   122811.32 | 152790.74 |     123342.19 |
| Mixed workload | 303571.64 |   300393.83 |  301718.4 |      300947.5 |
| Random write   | 274635.42 |   273754.73 | 278107.72 |     276879.05 |
| Pwrite         | 280013.14 |    278870.5 | 277356.08 |      276379.8 |
| Pread          |  255346.6 |   255210.17 | 254182.77 |     254209.84 |
| Fwrite         | 278649.45 |   276834.86 | 277127.62 |     276365.97 |
| Fread          | 254851.98 |    254903.7 | 254830.31 |     255375.05 |

IOZone Jobs Description (from original documentation)

Initial write: This test measures the performance of writing a new file. When a new file is written, not only does the data need to be stored but also the overhead information for keeping track of where the data is located on the storage media. This overhead is called metadata. It consists of the directory information, the space allocation, and any other data associated with a file that is not part of the data contained in the file.

Rewrite: This test measures the performance of writing a file that already exists. When a file is written that already exists, the work required is less as the metadata already exists.

Read: This test measures the performance of reading an existing file.

Re-read: This test measures the performance of reading a file that was recently read. It is normal for the performance to be higher as the operating system generally maintains a cache of the data for files that were recently read.

Reverse Read: This test measures the performance of reading a file backwards.

Stride read: This test measures the performance of reading a file with a strided access behavior. An example would be: Read at offset zero for a length of 4 Kbytes, then seek 200 Kbytes, and then read for a length of 4 Kbytes, then seek 200 Kbytes and so on.

Random read: This test measures the performance of reading a file with accesses being made to random locations within the file.

Mixed workload: This test measures the performance of reading and writing a file with accesses being made to random locations within the file. The distribution of read/write is done on a round-robin basis. More than one thread/process is required for proper operation.

Random write: This test measures the performance of writing a file with accesses being made to random locations within the file.

Pwrite: This test measures the performance of writing data on a particular position in a file.

Pread: This test measures the performance of reading data on a particular position in a file.

Fwrite: This test measures the performance of writing a file using the library function fwrite(). This is a library routine that performs buffered write operations.

Fread: This test measures the performance of reading a file using the library function fread(). This is a library routine that performs buffered & blocked read operations.


# Sequential Reads – Async mode – 8K block size – Direct IO – 100% Reads
fio --filename=/path/seqreadfile --name=seqread --rw=read --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=8k --numjobs=8 --size=8G --runtime=300  --group_reporting
# Sequential Writes – Async mode – 32K block size – Direct IO – 100% Writes
fio --filename=/path/seqwritefile --name=seqwrite --rw=write --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=32k --numjobs=8 --size=8G --runtime=300 --group_reporting
# Random Reads – Async mode – 8K block size – Direct IO – 100% Reads
fio --filename=/path/randreadfile --name=randread --rw=randread --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=8k --numjobs=8 --size=8G --runtime=300 --group_reporting
# Random Writes – Async mode – 64K block size – Direct IO – 100% Writes
fio --filename=/path/randwritefile --name=randwrite --rw=randwrite --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=64k --numjobs=8 --size=8G --runtime=300 --group_reporting
# Random Read/Writes – Async mode – 16K block size – Direct IO – 75% Reads/25% Writes
fio --filename=/path/randrwfile --name=randrw --rw=randrw --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=16k --numjobs=8 --rwmixread=75 --size=8G --runtime=300 --group_reporting

Results FIO

|          Random Reads – Async mode – 8K block size – Direct IO – 100% Reads         |
|         |                     |      NFS_3 |   NFS_3perf |   NFS_4.2 |  NFS_4.2perf |
| read    |   iops (total used) |    4132    |     4135    |    4087   |     4100     |
|         |     bandwidth (avg) |  33.9MB/s  |   33.9MB/s  |  33.5MB/s |   33.6MB/s   |
|         |       latency (avg) |   1934.9   |   1933.25   |  1955.89  |    1949.96   |
|         |          iops (avg) |   516.76   |    517.89   |   511.19  |    512.82    |
|         |          io (total) |   10.2GB   |    10.2GB   |   10.0GB  |    10.1GB    |
|                                                                                     |
| Random Read/Writes – Async mode – 16K block size – Direct IO – 75% Reads/25% Writes |
|         |                     |      NFS_3 |   NFS_3perf |   NFS_4.2 |  NFS_4.2perf |
| read    |   iops (total used) |       3519 |        3524 |      3539 |         3557 |
|         |     bandwidth (avg) |  57.7MB/s  |   57.7MB/s  |  57.0MB/s |   58.3MB/s   |
|         |       latency (avg) |   2180.01  |    2193.4   |  2168.31  |    2174.95   |
|         |          iops (avg) |   440.04   |    440.57   |   442.47  |     445.3    |
|         |          io (total) |   17.3GB   |    17.3GB   |   17.4GB  |    17.5GB    |
| write   |   iops (total used) |    1174    |     1175    |    1180   |     1186     |
|         |     bandwidth (avg) |  19.2MB/s  |   19.3MB/s  |  19.3MB/s |   19.4MB/s   |
|         |       latency (avg) |   272.61   |    224.34   |   270.18  |    216.42    |
|         |          iops (avg) |    146.8   |    146.98   |   147.59  |    148.52    |
|         |          io (total) |   5773MB   |    5779MB   |   5804MB  |    5834MB    |
|                                                                                     |
|        Random Writes – Async mode – 64K block size – Direct IO – 100% Writes        |
|         |                     | NFS_3      | NFS_3perf   | NFS_4.2   | NFS_4.2perf  |
| write   |   iops (total used) |    4464    |     4481    |    4483   |     4497     |
|         |     bandwidth (avg) |   293MB/s  |   294MB/s   |  294MB/s  |    295MB/s   |
|         |       latency (avg) |   1788.33  |    1781.8   |  1779.87  |    1774.96   |
|         |          iops (avg) |   558.57   |    560.33   |   561.13  |    562.83    |
|         |          io (total) |   68.7GB   |    68.7GB   |   68.7GB  |    68.7GB    |
|                                                                                     |
|        Sequential Reads – Async mode – 8K block size – Direct IO – 100% Reads       |
|         |                     | NFS_3      | NFS_3perf   | NFS_4.2   | NFS_4.2perf  |
| read    |   iops (total used) |    30.8k   |    34.4k    |   30.8k   |     35.9k    |
|         |     bandwidth (avg) |   252MB/s  |   282MB/s   |  252MB/s  |    294MB/s   |
|         |       latency (avg) |   258.35   |    230.31   |   258.21  |    220.89    |
|         |          iops (avg) |   3854.61  |   4316.82   |  3854.41  |    4500.02   |
|         |          io (total) |   68.7GB   |    68.7GB   |   68.7GB  |    68.7GB    |
|                                                                                     |
|      Sequential Writes – Async mode – 32K block size – Direct IO – 100% Writes      |
|         |                     |    NFS_3   |  NFS_3perf  |  NFS_4.2  |  NFS_4.2perf |
| write   |   iops (total used) |    18.5k   |    18.6k    |   18.4k   |     18.8k    |
|         |     bandwidth (avg) |   606MB/s  |   611MB/s   |  602MB/s  |    615MB/s   |
|         |       latency (avg) |   431.26   |    426.97   |    434    |    425.01    |
|         |          iops (avg) |   2312.34  |    2331.9   |  2297.66  |    2346.4    |
|         |          io (total) |   68.7GB   |    68.7GB   |   68.7GB  |    68.7GB    |


The tests conducted are tailored to show multiple general situations.

From my point of view, the outcome is clear. There is no absolute winner, and it’s highly dependent on how you are using NFS in your environment.
Will the parameters detailed above will work for you? The short answer is “No”.

Identify your needs ( Writing / Reading, Small / Big Files, Sequential / Random ), test, tune parameters, test, and then … test some more.